Women's Health
Women’s Health Physiotherapy
There is a branch of physiotherapy treatment that specifically involves assisting women’s health problems like stress incontinence, urge incontinence, uterine prolapse, and pelvic pain.
Melissa and Abbey are able to provide an overview and assessment of women’s health problems. This involves finding out the individual’s specific condition and providing appropriate treatment. Melissa can also recommend an obstetrician or specialist women's health physiotherapist if required.
Attending clients need to know the following
During the first appointment, you will be asked about your situation, how this is affecting you and what you would like to improve.
One of the main tools of this assessment is using our high-quality diagnostic ultrasound machine. This imaging is done using an external probe placed on your lower abdomen, so it is not invasive. Using this ultrasound machine, we are able to see the pelvic floor muscles and how they are working. You will be asked to drink 250ml of water approximately 30 minutes before your appointment to aid in the visualisation of your bladder and pelvic floor.
The machine is also used to provide visual feedback on what you are doing when you are using your pelvic floor muscles. This visual feedback helps to train your muscles to work better, by seeing what you are doing and being guided on how to contract the pelvic floor muscles correctly. In this way, the combination of guidance and visual feedback with the ultrasound is a very positive way for you to see exactly what you need to do to correctly perform your pelvic floor exercises.
Getting ready for your appointment
Prior to attending this appointment, you need to drink 2 glasses of water about ½ hour before coming to the treatment session to have enough fluid in your bladder as the ultrasound imaging shines through the bladder to see the pelvic floor muscles. We have a toilet on-site that you can use immediately after your ultrasound scan.
When you attend an appointment to discuss a women’s health problem, we are aware that this is a very personal problem and women may be uncomfortable in discussing these issues. All of our treatment rooms are solid walled. We are here to listen to your problem and assist you to improve the problem that you have. All information is completely confidential. If you have a problem that can't be treated by Melissa or Abbey, they will be able to refer you to a specialist women’s health physiotherapist in Perth.